Austin Executive Coaching Certification
A coach isn’t a consultant (who seeks to solve business problems or provide business outcomes), nor is he a therapist, since he typically avoids giving advice. A coach isn’t a mentor either. They do, however, ask questions that clarify problems and lay out a path to solving them. Despite offering confidentiality and serving as a sounding board for their clients, executive coaches are not there to fix hiring mistakes or miraculously turn incompetent employees into competent ones.
The first task of executive coaches is to administer and interpret comprehensive behavioral assessments to determine the client’s strengths and weaknesses, and to interview the client’s superiors, peers, and direct reports to understand the client’s role in their organization. With this information, they determine the questions to ask, and the coaching techniques to employ to assist their clients in achieving their goals.
After an intensive initial period of communication, the coach and client typically communicate on a regular basis (often weekly) either in person, by phone, or via virtual meeting or other web-based means. Some coaches offer follow-up contact for six months to a year after the formal coaching engagement concludes to offer encouragement and learn how the client is doing in reaching their goals.
What Backgrounds do Austin Executive Coaches Have?
The backgrounds of executive coaches can be very different, which is either good or bad. It’s impossible to predict which coach will have the best rapport with a particular client, which is why companies shouldn’t restrict their searches to coaches with specific experience in their field. Because of the lack of universally recognized qualifications for executive coaches, anyone can call themselves an executive coach and seek clients. Those who are patently unqualified are weeded out by the market, but unfortunately they can do plenty of damage and waste a lot of time before they are weeded out.
The majority of executive coaches have business backgrounds, and many are themselves former executives. A few executive coaches are retired executives, but most are still in their prime. In addition to STEM backgrounds, executive coaches may also come from the arts or academia. The most successful executive coaches usually come from a business background and have a deep understanding of how businesses work as well as what makes a successful executive.
It makes sense that companies looking for executive coaches often start by finding coaches with experience in their industry. As an example, a tech executive is more likely to benefit from the executive coaching services of someone with tech industry experience. In some cases, however, it may be beneficial to select an executive coach from across industries in order to enable intellectual “cross-pollination” needed for success.
Austin Certification Programs for Executive Coaches
Although not all executive coaches become certified, many do. The goal is to make sure that their names stand out and that they have studied executive coaching specifically and they have met industry standards.
Some prestigious educational institutions offer executive coaching certification programs. Some of the most prestigious schools offering executive coaching certification include Harvard, Northwestern, and Georgetown Universities. It is possible to obtain certification in coaching from a wide range of programs, ranging from highly respected to highly suspect.
The worldwide web is, of course, filled with organizations offering executive coaching certifications, ready to take people’s money in exchange for some sort of certification. In order to find a reputable executive coach training program, those interested should check for testimonials from respected coaches, training experience, and accreditation.
The accreditation of an executive coaching program by an organization like the International Coach Federation (ICF) ensures that it adheres to high standards of professionalism and content and increases the likelihood that a particular coaching certification will be respected in the coaching profession.
Training programs can be accredited by the ICF in three different ways. The Accredited Coach Training Program designation indicates that the program is an all-inclusive coaching program, as opposed to the Approved Coach Specific Training Hours designation, which indicates separate training programs rather than a comprehensive one. For those who have already received credentials from the ICF, the ICP offers the Continuing Coach Education designation.
Does one need a certification or credential to be a good executive coach? Possibly. The same way an unknown athlete shows up in the New York Marathon and wins the race, sometimes a person will put the perfect combination of personality, wisdom, and skill together to become an excellent executive coach.
Yet that is more of an exception than the rule. People do not want to hire a coach without respectable credentials and without a long list of satisfied clients, just like if they were in court they would want legal representation with excellent qualifications and references. It is for this reason that naturally gifted coaches, even those who may be self-taught and have experience coaching businesses, often pursue coaching certifications. As executives, they are aware that their skills can always be improved, and being certified through an accredited executive coaching program can enhance their competitive edge and make them more attractive to companies that need coaching for their leaders.
When they believe that a specific coaching program offers an advantage that they are looking for, experienced executive coaches often pursue certification. It is common for executive coaches to continue their education indefinitely, similar to the way doctors, engineers, and lawyers pursue continuing education to stay current with industry advancements, new techniques, and new research. When an executive coach has a commitment to lifelong improvement, they are less likely to stagnate with techniques and are better able to keep up with changes in technology, business climate, and executives themselves.
Contact IL Movement For More Information
For more information on Austin executive coaching certification or how to become certified as a Austin executive coach, please reach out to us today.