Dr. Aldo CIVICO - president of ilci - latam/spain

- Intelligent Leadership Master Executive Coach and Trainer
- The World’s #13 Leadership Authority (–2022)
- Associate Researcher at Columbia University in negotiation and conflict resolution
- Doctor in Cultural Anthropology
- Author, syndicated columnist, speaker
Top executive coach John Mattone called Aldo, “one of the best executive coaches I’ve worked with globally” and Senator George Mitchell, former chairman of Walt Disney, considers him “one of the most innovative leaders in leadership development and conflict management.”
With thirty years of experience, Aldo has worked globally training and mentoring in personal and corporate leadership Fortune 500 executives, members of Family Offices, government leaders, athletes and some celebrities. Aldo is known for helping his clients to achieve high performance by making shifts in the deep structure of their mind, facilitating the overcoming of limiting beliefs, releasing emotional traumas, expanding their self-concept in alignment with an inspiring purpose and a powerful vision. He has worked with business leaders in New York, Mexico City, London, El Cairo, Dubai and Hong Kong. Abigail Disney has called Aldo, “the leaders’ whisperer”.
In 2000, after serving as a senior advisor to Palermo’s anti-mafia mayor, Leoluca Orlando, Aldo moved to New York where he joined the Center for International Conflict Resolution at Columbia University. In 2007, he was named the director of the Center and continues to lecture at Columbia University in advanced courses in negotiation and conflict resolution. In addition, he lectured at major universities, including Harvard University, New York University, Princeton University, Oxford University, the London School of Economics, and more recently the Florida International University.
Aldo is an author of four books, and is a syndicated columnist for major newspapers in Latin America. His writings on leadership are published by media in Spain, Mexico, Colombia as well as in the three most read Hispanic newspapers of the United States, including El Diario (New York), La Opinion (Los Angeles) and El Nuevo Heraldo (Miami). Finally, Aldo authors a blog on Psychology Today. In 2022, he will publish his fifth book, Inspira tu Mente, a collection of his columns on leadership.
Aldo received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in social-cultural anthropology in 2008. He is an associate fellow of the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Complexity and Conflict at Columbia University, where in 2008 he received a doctorate in social-cultural anthropology. In addition, Aldo holds a Master’s degree in political science from the University of Bologna in Italy. He is a master practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Ericksonian Hypnosis, an Amen Clinics certified coach in brain health, an Intelligent Leadership certified Master Executive Coach and trainer, a certified trainer in Mindfulness, and a certified practitioner in Havening, an innovative and revolutionary psico-sensorial therapy to heal trauma. Since 2020, Aldo is the president of Intelligent Leadership International, for Latin America. Aldo lives between Miami and Medellín, in Colombia.