Grahame Gerstenberg - Co-President of ILCI Australia/New Zealand

Grahame has over 35 years’ experience in developing leadership capability for corporate, government and non-profit organizations across the globe.
A passionate lifelong learner, Grahame has worked with and learned from leadership icons such as Robin Sharma, John Mattone, John Maxwell, Anthony Robbins and Jim Collins.
In 2016, Robin Sharma asked Grahame to step in as CEO of the global company Robin had established to deliver his ground-breaking ‘Lead Without A Title’ program for clients around the world.
Grahame’s areas of expertise include:
- Leadership development
- Emotional intelligence
- Building resilience
- Business strategy and innovation
- Leading with adaptability
- People and systems integration.
A highly-experienced Executive Coach, Grahame’s clients hold senior government and executive roles across four continents. His insightful, heart-centred approach helps empower his clients to progress faster towards creating a richer, more fulfilling life and career.
Grahame is passionate about language and its power to influence and empower people. He helps instil ‘leadership language’ in his clients, so their thoughts guide actions that will help them create more success at every level.