“IL Coaching is about delivering results. 100% of executives who experience IL Coaching for a minimum of 6 months or longer, improve their leadership impact. This is the IL Guarantee.”
– John Mattone
The IL Coaching Guarantee, Challenge, and Opportunity
The absolute starting point for an organization to realize sustained operating success begins when the Board of Directors and senior executive team are completely aligned—heart, mind, and soul on this critical point:
“Aside from having differentiated products and services that create market demand—in the end, it will be exceptional leadership, superior talent, and an empowering culture that determine whether they are successful painting the operational masterpiece they had first envisioned—an organization that remains relevant well into the future. Then, the senior executive team must “walk their talk” actually creating the architecture, systems, processes, and tools that enable the emergence of a true masterpiece that brings value and abundance to everyone.”—John Mattone
As the Stealth Cultural Transformation Model™ below shows, it is leadership—unleashed and continuously polished—that enables the creation, growth, and nurturing of talent systems and a culture that serve to ignite and sustain operating growth. In fact, as the Intelligent Leadership Value Proposition Model™ (also below) reveals, the powerful and transformative engines of Intelligent Leadership (IL) Executive Coaching that grow and enrich leaders at all levels also serve to ignite, amplify, and optimize the engines that all businesses—government and non-government embrace and “live by” to ensure their own survival and relevance well into the future. They include creating a vision or compelling future, a strategic plan that leverages the gifts and strengths of the organizations’ assets and addresses the “gaps”, having the courage to execute, being constantly vigilant, and course-correcting.
IL Executive Coaching is about delivering results. 100% of leaders who experience IL Executive Coaching for a minimum of 6 months or longer, improve their leadership impact. This is the IL Guarantee.
But here’s the IL Challenge and Opportunity: If you truly want to achieve and sustain operating success and create your operational masterpiece, the only real pathway to enabling this is at the point your CEO, C-Level team and, in fact, leaders at all levels including high potentials and emerging leaders level-up to strengthening, polishing, and optimizing their own engines. Strength in the leader universe determines strength in the enterprise universe.
John Mattone Global (JMG) offers a transformative one-day “Stealth Cultural Transformation Model” executive retreat to equip your leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to strengthen their own leadership as well as learn the keys to hiring and retaining the best talent in support of creating a positive and productive culture in support of operating imperatives.

Growing Leaders. Building Cultures. Driving Results™.

“Successful organizations and leaders don’t invest in executive coaching. They invest in results.”
– John Mattone
Our Partner Network of Master Certified Intelligent Leadership
Executive Coaches are Experts in:
- Executive Coaching for High-Potentials
- Executive Coaching for Middle-Managers & VP’s
- Executive Coaching for the C-Level
- Leadership Coaching for Entrepreneurs & Small/Medium Businesses
- Leadership Development Workshops & Retreats
- IL and Culture Speaking, Webinars, Workshops, and Retreats
- Administering, Interpreting & Debriefing Proprietary Leadership & Culture Assessments
- Culture & Culture Transformation
- Creating an IL Coaching Culture
- Driving & Sustaining Business Results
- IL Coach Certification Programs for Organizations
- IL Coach Certification Program for Coaches-Level I, II and III
Our IL Coaches are some of the very best executive coaches in the world.
All IL Coaches are Master Certified Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaches. They have achieved their distinguished certification by successfully passing 6 IL training programs all approved and accredited by the world’s #1 coaching governing body, the International Coach Federation (ICF). In addition, all IL coaches receive advanced certification training on speaking and presentation skills, business development and marketing, and how to successfully operate a successful IL Coaching business. Lastly, our IL Coaches bring significant senior executive experience to their client engagements which gives them a strong and authoritative pedigree; our coaches are real people who have achieved real results in their businesses and lives and, they are passionate about helping their clients achieve the same.
IL Coaching Purpose, Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles.
“Intelligent Leadership® is a transformational, results-driven leadership growth philosophy and process that ignites, cultivates, and polishes an individual’s heart, mind, and soul in support of creating a truly exceptional leadership and cultural capability in an organization”
– John Mattone
Purpose Statement
Through our executive coaching offerings, leadership retreats, workshops and online leadership academy, culture assessment and transformation projects, we are committed to helping leaders, future leaders, and organizations become their best. We strive to touch the hearts, minds, and souls of everyone we live with and work with through authentic and selfless thinking and action. It is in this foundation we embrace, live, role model, and teach the IL Coaching Code:
1. The health, vibrancy, and maturity of an individual’s inner-core determines the effectiveness of their outer-core.
2. Prescription before diagnosis is malpractice in medicine but also in the world of executive coaching, leadership development,
and culture transformation.
3. Successful executives and organizations demand ROI from executive coaching, leadership development, and culture
transformation initiatives.
4. Successful leaders and future leaders must Think Different and Think Big.
5. Successful leaders and future leaders must make the conscious decision to be Vulnerable.
6. Successful leaders and future leaders must become acutely aware of their Gifts and Gaps
7. Successful leaders and future leaders must create a compelling strategy designed to leverage their gifts and address gaps in
support of the mission of their organization as well as their own personal mission.
8. Successful leaders and future leaders must demonstrate the courage to execute that plan—with passion, pride, and precision.
9. Successful leaders and future leaders must be “locked-in” and vigilant, enabling nimble “course-correction” when required.
10. Successful leaders must go forward every day with a mindset of “Duty” vs “Entitlement.”
11. Leadership, Talent, and Culture are the true “leading indicators” that determine sustained operating success in any organization.
12. Mindsets—the individual and collective “can do”, “will do” and “must do” beliefs absolutely determine individual and collective sustained success.
Vision Statement
As proud members of the IL Coaching family, we believe in becoming the absolute best version of ourselves. Our future will be the brightest when we make an authentic, heart-felt decision to think and live this way. We do this by making a non-negotiable commitment to be people of incredible character, refusing to accept mediocrity, and embracing the four pillars of personal growth – intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and physical. All of us must commit to holding ourselves, and each other, accountable to these pillars. Our collective strength is determined by the sum of our individual strengths.
We embrace the privileged opportunity we have chosen (and, been given) to do this noble and fulfilling work. We will, therefore, strive to help every leader in the world grow as leaders and people while also helping every organization in the world build and sustain a culture of strong leadership and talent that ensures their long-term success. It is in this altruistic spirit that we will continue to embrace, live and nurture the IL Movement.
Our Guiding Principles:
Live Honorably
We always honor our word and commitments; We do the right thing; We treat everyone with honor, dignity, and respect.
Act Selflessly
We are more concerned with the needs of others than our own; We serve expecting nothing in return; We empathize with others & consider the relationship first.
Give Our Best
We possess the highest standards of personal excellence-intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and physically; We finish what we start; We work hard every day to improve on yesterday’s wins.
Be Vulnerable
We are innovative and willing to challenge old ways of thinking; We respectfully receive and consider feedback from each other; We strive to become the best version of ourselves.
Our Partner Network of Master Certified Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaches are Amplifying the IL Message all over the World.