Oklahoma City Executive Coaching Certification
Oklahoma City Executive Coaching Certification
Executive coaching helps professionals, executives, CEOs, managers, and future leaders become more self-aware and goal-focused while on the path to reaching their max potential. A good executive coach will utilize behavioral assessments for their clients to identify and utilize their strengths while also improving on weaknesses. Additionally, executive coaches can assist in determining the appropriate roles for their clients within their respective organizations by interviewing superiors as well as colleagues. These critical assessments are the foundation of the executive coaching process and help coaches determine what techniques and styles are best suited for individual clients and organizations. IL Movement provides quality executive coaching certification in Oklahoma City
When people look for the ideal executive coach, they want to find one that is experienced and varied with real qualifications that are recognized in the executive coaching industry. While executive coaches can vary in age and background, the most qualified executive coaches are ones that hold or have held leadership positions at their organizations. The best executive coaches are ones that fully understand how business works and how to make one grow.
IL Movement’s Executive Coaching Certification in Oklahoma City
IL Movement’s Master Coach International Certification program was designed by the leading authority on Intelligent Leadership, John Mattone. At IL Movement, we are dedicated to helping leaders and organizations on our mission to change the world. Our executive coaching certification programs were designed to help coaches provide the most return on investment for their clients as executive coaches. Our executive coaching certification program in Oklahoma City is extensive and you will learn proven coaching techniques without the need for abstract theorizing or overly technical details. We are fully committed to helping executive coaches establish themselves so they can grow and help their clients grow as well.
Many executive coaches that were certified by IL Movement and John Mattone have gone on to work with high-level executives, CEOS, entrepreneurs, new talent, and corporations in a variety of industries.
International Coaching Federation Certification Levels
There are three levels that an executive coach can reach as recognized by the International Coaching Federation
ACC – Associate Certified Coach – Level 1
An Associate Certified Coach is the first step in the executive coaching certification journey. Becoming an ACC certifies that an executive coach shows competency and knowledge with specific requirements. It requires 60 hours minimum of coach-specific training and mentorship by an experienced coach, a minimum of 100 hours of coaching practice with an approach that is aligned with ICF expectations, and you must pass the ICF assessment online
PCC – Professional Certified Coach – Level 2
A Professional Certified Coach is the next step after Associate Certified Coach and involves more requirements. A PCC is more esteemed and regarded than a coach at the associate level because it shows dedication and commitment to further education, growth, and development as an executive coach. The requirements to become a PCC are much more involved with a minimum of 125 hours of coach specific training, additional mentor coaching with an accredited coach, and at least 500 hours of coaching practice with an approach aligned with ICF expectations.
MCC – Master Certified Coach – Level 3
A Master Certified Coach is the final level and is the highest-regarded level of executive coach. MCCs are quite rare as less than 1 in 20 executive coaches are officially accredited at this level and it’s not really hard to understand why. The requirements to become a Master Certified Coach are much higher than a Professional Certified Coach and it shows the utmost dedication and commitment to executive coaching. Master Coach Certification involves 200 hours of coach training, 2500 hours of coaching practice, and coaches will need to provide at least two recordings of actual coaching sessions to the ICF.
Contact IL Movement For Oklahoma City Executive Coaching Certification
IL Movement provides executive coaching certification in Oklahoma City. Contact us today for more information.